Program Committee Memberships
- Workshop Modellbasierte Entwicklung von Benutzungsschnittstellen,GI Jahrestagung 2011, Berlin, Germany October, 04-07, 2011.
- INTERACT 2011, 13th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lisbon, Portugal, September 05-09, 2011.
- 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, Florida, USA, 9-14 July, 2011.
- 28th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) 2010, São Carlos – São Paulo, Brazil, September 27-29, 2010
- Design and Engineering of Game-Like Virtual and Multimodal Environments (DEnG-VE) workshop of the ACM SIGCHI SymposiumEICS 2010, Berlin, Germany, June 20, 2010
Actual Organization Memberships
Supervised or Refereed Theses
- Matthias Schulz, “Simulating the interation behaviour of older adults to describe how they use a mobilde device”, PhD Thesis, 2015, TU-Berlin
- Alexander Nieswand, “Bereitstellung einer sprachbasierten Benutzerschnittstelle zur Mensch-Dienst Interaktion”, Diploma Thesis, TU-Berlin
- Marco Blumendorf, “Development of a Framework for Seamless Mobile Applications”, Diploma Thesis, TU-Berlin
- Veit Schwartze, “Entwicklung eines Frameworks fuer die situationsbezogene Adaption von Benutzeroberflaechen”, Diploma Thesis, TU-Berlin
- Grzegorz Lehman, “Model Driven Runtime Architecture for Plastic User Interfaces”, Diploma Thesis, TU-Berlin
- Dirk Roscher, “Suitability Rating of Devices Based on the Delivered User Interface”, Diploma Thesis, TU-Berlin
- AutoMate – Automation as accepted and trusted TeamMate to enhance traffic safety and efficiency (EU Horizon 2020), 2016-2018
- CSE II – Interdisciplinary Research Center on Critical Systems Engineering for Socio-Technical Systems (MWK Niedersachsen, Volkswagenstiftung), 2017-2018
- HoliDes – Holistic Human Factors and System Design of Adaptive Cooperative Human-Maschine Systems (EU ARTEMIS), 2013-2016
- A Multimodal Interaction Dialogue Editor supporting the Specification and Design of Multimodal Interaction Setups and Multimodal Applications, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2010-2012
- iZConnected, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany, 2009
- Service-centric Home, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany, 2006-2009
- Seamless Home Services, Deutsche Telekom, Germany, 2004-2005
- Management of Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MIATA), 2001-2003, Deutsche Telekom